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  • How do I reinforce school culture?
    Teacher Support and Appreciation: Organize and coordinate collection and distribution of funds for class gifts on occasions such as teacher birthdays and the end of the year. Commit to a Unified Communications Plan: Your school communications director will give you social media posts and emails to share. Help disseminate the news to parents and encourage participation with school-wide events... but please make sure your info is compatible with central school communications.
  • Students & Outside Items
    We believe in equity and sharing of resources within our school community. If a young one brings a toy that only they can play with, this creates unhealthy power dynamics and is a barrier to connection. It tends to create in clubs and out clubs of people who are allowed to play and those who are not. It creates a dynamic of the haves and the have nots which is the opposite of what we hope to create at MOS. If there is an item that you are interested in the school purchasing for community use, please send us an email! We will be happy to consider if it would be a good match for the school environment and within our budget. Outside items that are approved Books or sketch books Tools to help the kids regulate (like a fidget) If there is a different tool that your young one uses to help them regulate throughout the day, please contact your teacher to ask if it can be added to the approved list.
  • How do I send communications to parents?
    Class Email List: Handle and regularly update the shared class email list. WhatsApp Group: Create and moderate a WhatsApp group for real-time communication among class families.
  • Parent Concerns
    This vision of liberatory education will not come to fruition without all of our valuable input. This is a lab school that is being constructed layer by layer, year by year, by hand by the community. It's incredible to see what has already been built because of everyone's dedication and hard work. We recognize that we have many dreams and visions and it takes time, sweat, collaboration and patience to bring them to fruition. Parents should email their specific concerns to
  • What's our mission?
    The Morgan Oliver School empowers every child to thrive and to create a more just, equitable world.
  • What are our core community practices?
    Center the Margins: When marginalized kids and families thrive, we all thrive. Our decisions, practices, and policies foster an environment where everyone can flourish. Does the way I'm showing up day to day create more space for marginalized voices, ways of being, and needs to come forward? Or… Am I coming forward to share my voice, ways of being, and needs? Be Anti-Racist: We acknowledge and address our own biases. Through our curriculum, policies, and interactions with each other, we dismantle oppressive structures. Am I actively working to become more aware of my biases and how they may show up in my interactions with the school and community? Choose Trust Over Suspicion: When expectations are not met, we believe in giving each other the benefit of the doubt and working collaboratively to address and resolve issues. Am I showing up with trust and expressing my concerns constructively? Civic Engagement: We encourage students to engage meaningfully in community transformation through action research and engagement with diverse perspectives. Am I living into my unique contribution to social justice? Empowered Learning: Along with teaching the standards- kids need to be successful wherever they go next- we decolonize education by focusing on happiness and well-being and centering people of color’s stories which are often left out of history. Am I showing up as a partner with the school academically?
  • Apr. 26: Garden Party and Silent Auction
    This vent includes childcare, dinner, drinks and entertainment for a very low price for MOS families. Let's get fancy together! Bring your friend to give them a treat all while raising money for the school! 😲 Auction items are quite special and many of them go for cheap!
  • October 18: The Walkathon
    Once a year, we are all invited to reach out to our community and work together to reach the goal of 10K. Students will be pushing themselves to see how many laps they can complete and contributors can pledge per lap or a set amount. The event is super fun with music blasting and tons of everyone cheering for everyone. Families are welcome to attend, do laps with the kiddos, and cheer them on!
  • Dec. 14: Winter Market
    Kiddos create an artist market! Families purchase kiddos creations to benefit the school! This is the culmination of a really neat project that gives the young ones an opportunity to learn about financial literacy.
  • Nov. 22: Gratitude Feast
    This is not just a heartwarming gathering, but also a vital fundraiser for our beloved school. Giving & Receiving: We're inviting our dear grandparents and family friends to join us in this joyous event. It's important for guests to RSVP so that we can make sure there are accommodations for all. It's a day of gratitude, joy, and generosity - a true spirit of giving and receiving. And…. the kiddos usually create some sort of performance!
  • End of Year Auction
    Kiddos create beautiful art projects that are displayed at an outdoor exhibit. Families are invited to visit the exhibit/auction, enjoy a cold drink and refreshments, and purchase kiddos creations to benefit the school! It's a great change to support the kiddos sense of agency! Find a simple and easy art project that you feel comfortable guiding your kiddos class through. Classroom teacher will of course be there to help facilitate! Reach out to school administrators to gather materials. Then work together with other class parents to host an auction at pick up time. Set out a pretty table cloth on a couple of picnic tables, some simple decorations, some nibbles and refreshments, and the kiddos art! Parents and guardians pay what they can by scanning the barcode. Save all receipts for materials and food/drink for reimbursement. What? Actions: Identify a simple individual art or craft project that you would feel comfortable guiding the kiddos through. Each kiddo should make their own. Examples: Gather materials. Contact the teacher to set a time or times to guide the class through the project. Host a silent “auction” or art exhibit at pick up time from 2:45pm- 3:30pm when families can come, nibble on some refreshments, drink some lemonade, and purchase their child's creation. Families are welcome to contribute any amount. All contributions go to the school. When? Timeline: April? How? Suggested language: The school will send out the invitation to the auction!
  • End of Year Teacher Gift
    We usually do an end of year cash gift to all the teachers. Once we collect the money, it's distributed across the school for all the teachers and every day staff. Although we love our teachers so much and want to let them know in every way we can, in an effort to honor equity, we try to avoid personalized purchased gifts for teachers outside of cards and baked goods. What teachers have expressed over the years is that what they could most use and would appreciate are cash gifts that they can use as they need to. What? Actions: Send below messages (or put it in your own words!) in WhatsApp and email group. Collect contributions in your paypal and venmo. Pool contributions with other class parents who have gathered from their classes. Divide total amount using these percentages: 75% Divided equally amongst the full time staff 25% Divided equally amongst the part time staff (Leadership team not included) Organize with other class parents to purchase and write a sweet appreciation note in a card for each teacher and staff. Include appropriate cash in each card. Give cards to teachers/staff on the last day of school. When? Timeline: It's important to begin the process at least two weeks before the last day of school to give families time to budget.. Cash gifts are given on the last day of school. How? Suggested language: Monday (Two weeks before end of school): We want to end the year with a gift of thanks and instead of random gifts and things, we are collecting money to hand to our teachers to thank them for everything they’ve poured out this year. Please get me your contribution (even if you can only do a cup of coffee’s worth, we’re looking for participation, not grand totals <3) TODAY if possible! My Venmo is _____________ and the last 4 of my cell are 3831. If you don’t have Venmo, you can also PayPal me at _______________. Friday- (Reminder): Hey y'all! If you haven’t already, please send your Year End Teacher Gift contribution to my Venmo is _____________ and the last 4 of my cell are 3831. If you don’t have Venmo, you can also PayPal me at _______________. Monday (last week of school): Final reminder, last chance y’all! We are almost at full participation. Please remember that any amount is greatly appreciated!
  • Teacher Appreciation Week (First Week of May)
    We want to keep teacher appreciation week as simple as possible while also recognizing that some people really enjoy expressing their gratitude in this way. We do not want this to feel like another thing on the list that is already overwhelming for families. For this reason, at Curriculum Night we will bring a paper Teacher appreciation week sign up sheet so that those parent who have capacity to be a part of it can and we know exactly who to reach out to. School will provide a teacher appreciation breakfast on one day of the week.
  • End of Term Teacher Gift
    We usually do an end of term cash gift to all the teachers. Once we collect the money, it's distributed across the school for all the teachers and every day staff. Although we love our teachers so much and want to let them know in every way we can, in an effort to honor equity, we try to avoid personalized purchased gifts for teachers outside of cards and baked goods. What teachers have expressed over the years is that what they could most use and would appreciate are cash gifts that they can use as they need to. What? Actions: Send below messages (or put it in your own words!) in WhatsApp and email group. Collect contributions in your paypal and venmo. Pool contributions with other class parents who have gathered from their classes. Divide total amount using these percentages: 75% Divided equally amongst the full time staff 25% Divided equally amongst the part time staff (Leadership team not included) Organize with other class parents to purchase and write a sweet appreciation note in a card for each teacher and staff. Include appropriate cash in each card. Give cards to teachers/staff on the last day of school. When? Timeline: It's important to begin the process at least two weeks before the last day of school to give families time to budget. Cash gifts are given on the last day of the term. How? Suggested language: Monday (Two weeks before winter break): “We’d like to show some love to our teachers who have worked so hard to make this first half of the year incredible. Please get me your contribution (any amount is greatly appreciated, we are hoping for full participation <3) TODAY if possible! My Venmo is _____________ and the last 4 of my cell are _____. If you don’t have Venmo, you can also PayPal me at _______________. “ Friday- (Reminder): “Hey y'all! If you haven’t already, please send your Teacher Gift contribution to my Venmo is _____________ and the last 4 of my cell are _______. If you don’t have Venmo, you can also PayPal me at _______________.“ Monday (last week of school): “Final reminder, last chance y’all! We are almost at full participation. Please remember that any amount is greatly appreciated!“
  • Teacher Birthdays
    What? Invite kiddos to make homemade cards and bring them on the teacher's birthday! When? Let folx know it's your teacher's birthday a week in advance. Send out a reminder the day before.
  • Individual Teacher Gifts
    At MOS, we opt for gifts from the community rather than individual families. Although we love our teachers so much and want to let them know in every way we can, in an effort to honor equity, we try to avoid personalized purchased gifts for teachers outside of cards and baked goods. When teachers receive gifts from individual families, it can make other kiddos feel a sense of not enough. We protect all the kiddos and families by giving collaboratively.
  • Holidays
    At MOS, we decenter mainstream holidays that are so often co opted by capitalism and converted into just another reason to spend a buck. We absolutely believe in celebrating in the ways that nourish us and are part of each family’s tradition and look forward to learning and celebrating throughout the year. For example, we celebrate Love Day by expressing our love for each other through handmade notes and kind words. No need to send any store bought cards or tokens. Teachers will let you know if they are hatching a special plan and need shoe boxes, etc.! If your family has a tradition that you’d like to share, we welcome and would appreciate you coming to class, reading a book about the holiday, and sharing your traditions. This can be as simple or complex as you want! Families sharing their traditions is an important part of our anti-racist curriculum. Please reach out to your teachers in advance if you would like to come visit so that time can be set aside in the schedule.
  • Teacher Birthdays
    What? Invite kiddos to make homemade cards and bring them on the teacher's birthday! When? Let folx know it's your teacher's birthday a week in advance. Send out a reminder the day before.
  • Student Birthdays
    We have birthday celebrations towards the end of the day, generally around 2:30pm. Traditionally, we celebrate birthdays by circling up and showering the birthday person with words of affirmation, each student in the class taking a moment to share some loving words. Families are welcome to bring pictures of the birthday person to share with the class. We ask that families stick to bringing just the pictures and a sweet treat. We honor equity by focusing our celebration on connection and nonmaterial sources of enjoyment.
  • October 25: Mega Cool Costume Party & Potluck
    This is an informal moment for families to relax in the school village vibe and to cultivate joy and connection together. Kiddos/all are invited to dress up if you’d like. Families pitch in to decorate the outdoor space and dream up different activities for the kiddos such as face painting, pumpkin carving or decorating, pin the spider on the web, We avoid tons of candy as families that enjoy that will likely find plenty of opportunities for candy to be the focus.
  • Nov. 22: Gratitude Feast
    In honor of the Indigenous Day of Mourning and Muscogee land acknowledgment, we gather. Each family sends one ingredient to make our “3 Sisters Soup”. This heartwarming celebration echoes the story of Stone Soup, a tale of community sharing and unity. Our amazing kids will be the star chefs, preparing the soup to ensure everyone gets a taste of this MOS tradition. Don’t worry, it’s vegan-friendly and teachers carefully monitor! This is also an opportunity for Grandparents and Family Friends to experience firsthand the magic of MOS and to give any contribution, any amount means a great deal, to what we are all working to create. Giving & Receiving: We're inviting our dear grandparents and family friends to join us in this joyous event. It's important for guests to RSVP so that we can make sure there are accommodations for all. It's a day of gratitude, joy, and generosity - a true spirit of giving and receiving. And…. the kiddos usually create some sort of performance!
  • March 21: Spring Potluck
    The weather is getting warmer, the buds are starting to bloom, it feels like spring is in the air! What better way to celebrate them together? MOS hosts a Spring Potluck, on Friday March 22nd. Bring your best casserole, curry, or pie (cake)! Come join us and let’s share a meal, laughter, good conversation, and just some plain old fun together.
The Morgan Oliver school for Anti-racism logo in white on transparent background



468 Moreland Ave SE, Atlanta, GA 30316

Tel: (404) 954-2524


The Morgan Oliver School for Anti-Racism admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It doesn't discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other school-

administered programs.


We are a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN: 85-3656349.

© 2020 by The Morgan Oliver School for Antiracism

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